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Research in Sociology

Surveys and Polls

Sociologists examine the views and opinions of the populations they study, and often makes use of such public opinion polls as Gallup and Roper, and also survey organizatons, such as the General Social Survey.

General Social Survey

PewResearch Projects

The Pew Research Center Conducts surveys and research on a wide range of topics, notably on trends relating to religion, Hispanics, and social and demographic changes.

Gallup Polls

Gallup is a national polling organization that provides statistics, research, and analytics on social attitudes and behaviors of the public and private groups useful to sociologists. .

General Social Survey

The General Social Survey (GSS) conducts basic scientific research on the   structure and development of American society with a data-collection program   designed to both monitor societal change within the United States and to compare the United States to other nations.

Roper Polls

Roper is one of the nation's leading public opinion polls, and provides much valuable information for sociologists.