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Social Problems

General suggestions for finding government information

Think about your information in terms of an "agency approach." Consider who produces the information you need, and how the information organized and disseminated.

Try using one of the customized search engines in on this page - USA gov is especially helpful for finding Government agencies.

Custom Search engine links

IGO Custom Search engine Courtesy of the American Library Association Government Documents division (GODORT)

Track Legislation, Regulations and more

Judicial Branch Sites

The Judicial Branch is headed by the United States Supreme Court, which interprets the laws enacted by Congress and executed by the President.

Regulatory Information Sites

Regulatory sites provide all the federal rules and regulations, The means by which our laws are put into practice are through Executive Orders and other Presidential Documents issued by the President and rules and regulations issued by the various Executive departments and Federal agencies and organizations.These rules and regulations appear in the following publications.              

Quick links for Government and IGO resources

These are some of the top resources for information from governments and IGOs. Click on the for more information about each database. For additional recommendations, consult the guides linked above.

Legislative Branch Sites

The Legislative Branch is headed by the U. S. Congress, which enacts all Federak leigislation. Congress has two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Before a law is enacted it is introduced first as a bill, then debated and usually revised, and then enacted into law once it is passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President.