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Lewis University Library News

Library Spaces FAQ

by Alex DeGraff on 2023-09-29T14:36:00-05:00 in How Do I? | 0 Comments

Welcome to the Lewis University Library Blog! We wanted to answer some frequently asked questions about the physical spaces in the library. For an FAQ about library services like database searching and research help, see our Ask a Librarian FAQ:


What is the Circulation desk? Where is it?

The Circulation desk is where you can go to check out items or study spaces and get printing help. It’s the largest desk in the library, located on the south side of the first floor between the central elevator and the main campus-side entry doors.

What is the Research desk? Where is it?

The Research desk is where you go to get research help. It’s located on the north side of the first floor, near the north elevator and the corner of the writing center.

How do I know which desk to visit?

The people at both desks are ready to help you and can point you in the right direction if they don’t know the answer themselves. Library staff have many responsibilities, and one of the desks might be empty for a while. In this case, pick the desk with a person there.

Can I use the stairs to get to the library?

The stairs on the north side of the building are usually open to the first floor. However, these stairs ARE NOT OPEN to the second floor. The only way to get to the second floor via stairs is the staircase inside the library, next to the main campus-side entry doors.

Where are quiet areas?

If you need a quiet study space, the north side of the second floor is a designated quiet area. Library staff will ask anyone talking or being noisy in this space to relocate.

What if I need to take a call or have a meeting?

Although most of the library is NOT a designated quiet area, we recommend checking out a study room or pod for longer conversations or meetings. These spaces are mostly soundproof at regular speaking volumes.

What’s a study pod?

Study pods are like phone booths for studying. These are what you want to reserve if you need a space for only one person. Study pods are located on the south side of the second floor, past the study rooms. Once you’ve made a reservation, you can check out a door hanger at the Circulation desk so library staff knows you’re supposed to be in the space.

How do I reserve a study space?

Study spaces can be reserved through the ‘Reserve a study space’ link on the library website or in-person at the Circulation desk. You can only reserve a group study room if two or more people are present. If you want a space just for yourself, reserve a study pod. Once you’ve reserved your space, go to the Circulation desk to ‘check out’ the space.

What if I need a whiteboard?

All group study rooms have whiteboards, and you can check out markers when you get your study room key. Some of the tables on the first floor have whiteboards in the center. There is also a large rolling whiteboard on the second floor. You can check out markers for any of these whiteboards at the Circulation desk.

How do I print?

Both the color and black and white printers are located to the right of the Circulation desk. Sign into MyLewis and select Papercut from the ‘Resources’ tab to upload your documents and send them to the printer. Once documents have been uploaded, you’ll need to sign into one of the print release computers, located directly next to each printer, to release your documents.

Do you have computers I can use?

Yes! Sign into any of the computers in the main first floor area or the first floor computer lab, in the corner nearest the central elevator, using your MyLewis username and password. We also have headphones and phone chargers available for 4-hour library-use only checkout.

Where are all the books?

Most of our books are on the second floor. They’re organized by subject using Library of Congress classification, which is used in most academic libraries.

How do I find a book?

The library’s search tool, Primo, can sort through all our resources to help you find what you need. If you need help locating a physical book, ask at one of the desks or get in touch with a librarian via chat. Chat is typically online (with a real person) during open hours. Just fill out the ‘Chat with Us’ box on the right-hand side of the Library homepage:

What about new and popular books?

We are happy to announce that we’re increasing our new and popular reading collection! You can find new physical books and graphic novels on the floating shelf in the first floor window area. We also have thousands of ebook and audiobook titles. Use the library search to find digital items, then checkout or place online holds using your MyLewis username and password.

What about textbooks?

Unless a professor has told you a book is ‘on reserve’ at the library or linked an ebook in Blackboard, we do not have textbooks.

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