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Lewis University Library News

New Year, New Adventures

by Curtis Valasek on 2025-01-16T09:55:00-06:00 in African American Studies, Art and Design, Brother Ambrose Groble, FSC, Archives, Communication, Education, English, Ethnic and Cultural Studies, History, Justice, Law, and Public Safety, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology, Special Topics | 0 Comments

Happy New Year, Flyers!

As we begin the new year of 2025, as well as the spring semester together, the Lewis University Library wants you to stay aware of the events, resources, and services we offer you. While you can always take a look at what we offer through our website and online catalog, on this blog, we will feature the less ordinary happenings and perks provided.

So, without much further a-do:


Starting Tuesday, January 28th @3PM, your Lewis University Library will host a Bring Your Own Project (or, BYOP) Crafting Hour. Chit-chat with our librarians as you complete your crochet, cross-stitch, knitting, needlework, or other similar crafts. A simple string and thread project will be provided to those who would like to learn, but do not have the supplies. We will meet every Tuesday afterward (except for holidays), with new, thematic crafts at each date. Let's get crafty!

Flyer for Crafty Hour at the Library


In collaboration with the Office of Prevention and Outreach, we will be installing art from the Clothesline project in our library as a visual exhibit concerning the voices of survivors of sexual violence. Once we have installed, the exhibit will be viewable from either floor. Walkthrough during February to gain a fuller perspective of what survivors of sexual violence would like to see change to make our world safer!


We are thrilled to welcome the award-winning author of Built from the Fire Victor Luckerson to our campus on February 12th for a book-talk and discussion about the destruction of a historic Black neighborhood known as Greenwood. More on that HERE. In conjunction with this event, the library has devoted one of its display areas to the topics of Luckerson's book -- The Red Summer of 1919 and the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. In extension from these topics, we will feature another display about the accomplishments our Black Student Union have made from the 1980s to today on our campus. 


Lastly, our two book displays for January are:

New Year, New Adventure -- a selection of fiction for the adventurous

Photo of New Year New Adventure book display

Library & Information Science -- a selection of research books about books, data organization, and libraries (how meta!)

Photo of book display about libraries

We look forward to seeing you in the library, assisting you with homework, and checking out some really good books to you!


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