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Resources for Nursing courses.

Detailed Record View in CINAHL Complete


Above is a screenshot of a detailed record in the new CINAHL Complete database.  Refer to the list below to familiarize yourself with the options available. (You can click on the image and it will open the record in a new tab).

  • Access Options - You can view the HTML or PDF version of this article by using this link.
  • Download - You can download the PDF version of the article using this link.
  • Affiliation - Useful for determining if the authors of an article are nurses or affiliated with a nursing school or hospital.
  • Source - The journal an article is contained within.
  • Publication Type - Can be helpful in determining whether an article is considered primary/empirical or secondary.
  • Save - Saves the article to your MyEBSCO account.  (We however recommend that you save your articles in your Primo account and not in individual databases).
  • Cite - Retrieve the citation for this article in your chosen format.
  • Add to Project - Allows saving of articles to your MyEBSCO account in folders.  (We however recommend that you save your articles in your Primo account and not in individual databases).
  • Share - Allows sharing of articles to other platforms - Google Drive or OneDrive.  The "Create Link" option creates a "permalink" to this article's page.
  • Permalink - Retrieves the "permanent link" to this article in the database. (Note: You can now use the link located in your browser's address bar to share articles from within EBSCO.  Always use either the permalink from a database or in Primo.)
Does the APA Citation Include a DOI?

The DOI is an important part of the APA Citation.  If the DOI is not listed as part of the APA citation, then you will have to use a website,, to find out if the article has a DOI assigned to it. 

How to Limit by Date

Limiting the Results by Date

If the criteria for an assignment in a course include searching for current articles published in the last five years, it is necessary to limit by date.  This can be done in either one of two places.

First on the Advanced Search in the Limit your results section Publication Date.  You can select either "Past 5 years" or "Custom range."


The second option is to select "Search" so the results are displayed, and then select "All Filters" at the top, and change it to "5 years" or "Custom Range" on the right-hand side of the page.


You can now use the PICOT search in CINAHL to easily search your PICOT research questions!

To get to this search, all you need to do is open CINAHL Complete and select PICOT in the right corner above the search box.

Then, this screen will open where you can input the elements of your PICOT.

I hope that this new tool will help you in searching for articles in CINAHL!