India is the home of many political thinkers and great minds. Below you will find just a few examples, but if there is a different person you are more interested in, the library can help you find the needed resources.
Ram Mohun Roy was born in 1772, and had a large impact as a social reformer and challenged the traditional Hindu culture and fought for change under British rule. Roy argued for freedom of speech and religion as natural rights, and criticized what he believed to be the superstition of traditional Hinduism. He also disagreed with the caste system of India and worked to changed those beliefs.
Ghandi was known for his nonviolent philosophy of passive resistance. He believed that India should be independent from Great Britain, and led a massive peaceful organization that highlighted the importance of economic independence. He also fought against the oppression of Indian's poorest classes. His peaceful protests often consisted of hunger fasts.In January of 1948, Gandhi was shot and killed by Nathuram Godse.
Born in 1856, Bal Gangadhar Tilak was a nationalist that aided in establishing the foundation for India's independence. He concluded the Lucknow Pact in 1916 that established unity between the Hindu and Muslim populations during the fight for independence from Great Britain. Gandhi has called him "the maker of modern India," and India's first prime minister has called him "the father of the Indian Revolution."