Economic environment |
Economic indicators, GDP, Currency, Exchange rate, Unemployment, Inflation, Stage of economic development, Economic system, Stage of market development (World Bank classification), Account balance/trade balance, Per capita income, Income distribution |
Regional market characteristics |
WTO membership, GATT status, Major trading partners, Free Trade Group membership |
Social and cultural environment |
Unique attitudes, beliefs, and values, Social institutions, Group vs individual, Social class system, Population, Demographics (age, ethnicity, language, religion, metropolitan areas), Literacy, Diet (preferences, religious restrictions, etc.), Level and role of education, Hofstede scores, Language, High vs low context, Religions, Attitudes toward time and space, Sports, Holidays, Jokes, Defining works of art, literature, theater/film, National heroes (past and present), Traditional dress, Ethnic groups and subgroups |
Political, legal, and regulatory environment |
Political system, Political parties, Current leader, Risk (political, safety), Role of government in business, Recent incidents of expropriation, confiscation, and domestication, Legal system, Antitrust laws, Legal environment for business (environment, free trade vs protectionism, consumer protection/rights, regulation of marketplace), Regulatory environment, Tariffs or quotas on imports, Private vs national utilities/banks, Intellectual property rights |
Natural environment and history |
Location in world, Maps, Geography, Location, Climate, Topography, Natural resources (abundance vs scarcity), Weather patterns (average temperature, average rainfall, seasonal weather events), Defining historical events, Historical allies or enemies, History based prejudices |
Technological environment |
Stage/level of technology, Level and stability of basic utilities, Transportation availability |
Competitive environment |
Market share, Size of industry, Total market, Competition |