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Open Journals
The Journal of Problem Solving (JPS)
The Journal of Problem Solving (JPS) is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes empirical and theoretical papers on mental mechanisms involved in problem solving. The journal welcomes original and rigorous research in all areas of human problem solving, with special interest in those difficult problems in which human beings outperform artificial systems. JPS encourages submissions from psychology, computer science, mathematics, operations research, and neuroscience.
Open Educational Resources (OERs)
National Academies Press - Behavioral and Social Sciences
The National Academies Press (NAP) was created by the National Academy of Sciences to publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States. The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and medicine, providing authoritative information on important matters in science and health policy.