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Scholarly Inquiry & Theoretical Foundations of Scholarly Inquiry for Advanced Nursing Practice (NURS-53000)

A general course guide for NURS 53000.

Concept Analysis Assignment

Concept Analysis:

Decide on a concept and theory you would like to explore for your theory application paper. 

You will need to find scholarly articles for your theory application paper which usually will include:

  • a research study (either a qualitative or quantitative research study) that used your theory as a framework for the study. 
  • The study needs to be a primary research study—not a meta-analysis, systematic review, or integrative review. 

Search your concept or theory using Primo.  Below are some suggestions for keywords:

Keywords: To find a concept analysis that is related to your topic, you can use "concept analysis" as keywords and then type in your topic in the search box (be sure to include quotation marks around concept analysis).  For example:  "concept analysis" transcultural nursing.

You may or may not be able to find a concept analysis on your concept, as some concepts may not have had a concept analysis conducted on them previously.  However, if a concept analysis has been conducted previously, that literature will help you gain an in-depth understanding of your concept.  In addition to concept analysis, expand your search on your concept to other scholarly literature by just using the concept as your keyword.


Other suggestions to find literature:

  • Look at the references listed at the end of an article.
  • Use only the concept as a keyword and remove "concept analysis"
  • Use the "citation" trail found in an article's record page in Primo (scroll to the bottom of the page - see the screenshot below)